Digital Camera
Today I went to college armed with a digital camera, one of my friends has a brother who works in the mobile company (Iraqna). So we had an intention of making him call some of the guys with his private number, which doesn't show it's number when he calls, so whoever he calls the caller will not know who is calling. The plan was that he calls a few of the guys and tells them a few of last numbers they called and tells them that someone of them has made a complain about him and if he didn't stop calling him, his line would be cut off. I was supposed to zoom in from a distance and take a few pictures of them after the shock. Sadly the signal of Iraqna was really bad this day at college we couldn't call the brother and give him the green light.
But I wasn't going to come back with an empty camera, so I took some pictures with friends and a couple of pictures for my department, which I have an intention of publishing them, if the internet connection is going to allow it, because it is really crawling today.
The funny thing is this: In our department bringing a mobile that has a camera is not allowed, while bringing a digital camera is allowed. The reason in forbidding mobiles with cameras is that some of the students used them to photograph professors in their classes. Now is it not possible to do the same thing from outside the class without being noticed with a digital camera, and you can even zoom the camera to get a really good picture. And yet my Nokia 3200 is not allowed while the Epson camera is allowed.
By the way, do you remeber the small pump in the big underground hall that I keep talking about, it is still working and taking the water out, but I think that there is a sanitary problem in the hall, becuase the water doesn't seem to be going away.